A touch of winter has appeared along the Wine Road, and with it our thoughts turn to the holidays. Thanksgiving is now days away, giving many of us a long weekend off work and time to share with family and friends. Shopping malls have limited appeal, but a trip a along the Wine Road is […]
Wine & Food Affair is only days away—ticket sales end on November 2nd and the event is on November 7th and 8th. With over 100 wineries participating, how do you make the most of the event? Here are some basic tips that apply not just to Wine & Food Affair, but to all Wine Road […]
On the weekend of November 7th and 8th, the Wine Road is hosting a very special affair along the wine road—A Wine & Food Affair. If you are a wine lover who is also foodie, or just enjoy scrumptious food paired with delicious wine, this is one affair you don’t want to miss. This two-day […]
Few things are as disappointing as hearing about a great event you didn’t attend because you didn’t even know about it. In the past month, I’ve attended several winery events, plus a couple tastings where dozens of wineries poured terrific wines. When I told a friend about all the great wines I’d tried, they immediately […]