Itineraries Urban Warehouse Wineries

In the past years, the number of urban warehouse wineries has grown exponentially. As the cost of countryside property and vineyard land has increased, determined winemakers have found a cost effective solution—renting warehouse space and converting it into a winery. I’ve heard these wineries referred to as garagista wineries, or micro-production wineries. True garagista wineries […]

Rebecca Germolus / Aug 9, 2017
LOVE metal artwork
Itineraries Exploring Santa Rosa

Visitors to Wine Country sometimes miss exploring Santa Rosa unless they are in town for a conference with only a few hours to spare. Whether you are in Sonoma County for a long or short visit, or live locally, there are plenty of terrific things to do and see just minutes from the heart of […]

Rebecca Germolus / Jul 11, 2017