The joys of wine appreciation include checking out unusual or lesser-known varietals. This means varietals that aren’t the standard Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, Syrah, etc. When wine tasting Along the Wine Road or elsewhere, I find most wineries have some of the standard classic varietals, but I’m seeing more lesser-known varietals […]
Did you know we speak Rhône along the Wine Road? We say things like, “Would you like to try our Marsanne or Viognier? Or, maybe you’re a red wine fan and would prefer Counoise or Grenache?” In the last blog, we explored some of the Rhône wines available along the Wine Road, and the wineries […]
Rhône wine varietals and blends have always been a favorite, so when more of these fruit-forward, food-friendly wines started being more readily available along the Wine Road, I was thrilled. What Are Rhône Wines? Rhône wines are made from grape varieties that originated in the Rhône region of Southern France. Some Rhône wines were being […]