We’re turning 40….in 2016 Our THIRD planning meeting took place on March 27. We have a variety of events being planned, somethign new and fun for EVERY month of the year! Look for SIGN-UP info to come you way in May for various events.
Member Newsletter In our never ending quest to keep you in the loop about all of your member benefits, special programs, seminars, pouring opportunities and our community involvement, we created (and mailed) our first printed Wine Road Newsletter. This one recapped 2014, going forward expect to see a smaller version every 6 months (July and January). With this printed newsletter, our weekely notices and our monthly online recaps, everyone should be “in the loop”.
Back to the Future We can’t have a March wrap-up without mentioning our 37th Annual Barrel Tasting Weekends. Always a heated, passionionate discussion, but with the same conclusion – this event makes money for the majoriety of participants. With your input, every year our Board of Directors implement changes to improve the event. This year saw 131 wineries participating – more than ever! Tickets sales were approx. 14,500. Survey results say conservatively $2,000,000 in wine was sold.
Wine Tourism Day In March we dotted all the “i”s and crossed all the “t”s to create our 2nd annual Wine Tourism Day ~ EXPLORE YOUR BACKYARD which is May 9th. Today (April 1st) we launched ticket sales, our online ads were placed on various blogs and our social media engine will begin churning out posts! We have 50 wineries, 5 lodgings and 15 restaurants on board. Here we go! Explore YOUR Backyard