Blending a Great Dry Creek Valley Zinfandel

Rebecca Germolus on Jul 26, 2016

Want to learn how to blend a great Dry Creek Valley Zinfandel? As part of the ongoing 40th anniversary celebrations, the Wine Road is again partnering with an American Viticultural Area (AVA) group to offer another appellation specific tasting, only this tasting comes with an added bonus—a chance to create your own Zin.

Dry Creek Valley Zinfandel Event

At the first AVA tasting—the Cab Academy—attendees were skillfully guided through the Cabernets of Alexander Valley. For the Dry Creek Valley AVA tasting, the Wine Road created an educational event and tasting that focuses on Zinfandel. As one local winemaker said recently, “If you can’t make great Zinfandel from Dry Creek Valley, then you shouldn’t be making wine.” Now you get your chance to create your very own Zinfandel! How cool is that?

Winemaker's tools of the trade when creating the perfect blend.
Winemaker’s tools of the trade when creating the perfect blend.

On Saturday, August 13 from 10 – 11:30 at Talty Vineyards & Winery, the Winegrowers of Dry Creek Valley and the Wine Road are co-hosting, “What Goes Into Zin: A Hands-on Blending Experience.”

Attendees will pair off with one of four winemakers—Barry Collier, owner and winemaker of Collier Falls, Michael Talty, owner and winemaker of Talty Vineyards & Winery, Rick Hutchinson, owner and winemaker of Amphora Winery, and Brandon Lapides, winemaker for Armida Winery. This event is limited to only 40 people, so no group will be larger than 10 people, giving everyone an up-close and personal experience with these winemakers.

To Blend or Not To Blend

Each winemaker will have various components available for blending. The groups will taste through the blending components, a.k.a. wines, as the winemakers discuss how terroir, type of oak, age of the oak barrel, time aging in oak, and other factors play into blending decisions. Each person will then create their own Zinfandel blend based on his or her personal style and taste.


When blending wines, sometimes just a drop or two can make or break the trial blend.
When blending wines, sometimes just a drop or two can make or break the trial blend.

After the blending has concluded, the group will reconvene and taste through Dry Creek Valley Zinfandels selected by the winemakers. If you love Zinfandel, this will be one event you’ll want to sign up for as soon as possible. With only 40 spots available, don’t wait to long and miss your chance to blend and taste great Dry Creek Valley Zinfandels.

For additional information and to purchase your tickets (only $40—what a deal), visit Eventbrite now.

Happy Sipping!



Zinfandel sign at the end of a row of vines.


Posted by Rebecca Germolus

Rebecca Germolus, co-owner of Maximum Value Marketing, loves Sonoma County and playing along the Wine Road. Rebecca daily immerses herself in wine country by providing cost-effective marketing and writing solutions to wineries and restaurants.

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