Chardonnay is planted widely around the world. It’s sometimes called the chameleon grape given its propensity to display characteristics that reflect the particular climate and region where it’s grown. It can be coy or bold in personality and run the gamut stylistically from rich and creamy to lean and lithe. Hone your palate by tasting a […]
Malbec originated in the Cahors region of France and is one of the building blocks of Boudreaux blends. But Argentina is where the grape developed it’s following and found it’s place in the foothills of the Andes and high elevations sub regions of Luján de Cuyo and the Uco Valley. If you like Cab Franc, […]
Grenache or Granacha as it’s known in Spain, is a medium bodied red wine with moderate acidity, and bright red fruit and strawberry flavors. The tannin structure can range from light and smooth to more pronounced and firm depending on the climate in which it is grown. Grenache is a wonderful and versatile varietal all […]