Board Mtg. Minutes April 10, 2024

Beth Costa on Jun 26, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting

April 10, 2024

Balletto Vineyards – Minutes

Present: Emily, Aaron, Join, Dan, Beth, Helen


Call to Order – 9:15am. Motion to approve minutes by Dan. Seconded by Aaron. Approved.

Board Elections – New: John Viszlay, Emily Glick, re-elected: Helen, Katie, Aaron, Harry

Treasurer’s Report – checking $195,608 / savings $150. 308

Beth will check into transferring 100k from savings account over to CD for higher interest.

Events –Meeting set for May 1, 2024 – 9am-12pm to set events and dates for 2024-25. Location TBD.

Marketing: Discussion about best options. Google pourings cancelled. Walk-ins Welcome campaign advertised in United Airlines Mag April (then again in May at no charge).

Considering ad with Wine Folly. More discussion.

Member Benefits: Seminars – most sold out. Networking – dropped due to lack of attendance. Membership drive – tabled until quorum attendance. What to offer? Discounts?

Old Business: Date confirmed – December 5, 2024 4pm-6:30pm – Coppola

New Business – Date confirmed for Board retreat – May 1 Wednesday 9am-12pm – Location TBD. Discussion limited to events.

Meeting adjourned at: 10:15am

Next meeting May 1, 2024 – 9am-12pm – Location TBD

Posted by Beth Costa

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