Help With Wine Road Contact List

Beth Costa on Mar 21, 2022

Hello to all of our winery and lodging members –

We seem to be in a constant state of updating our contact list for our winery and lodging members.

With this last go around checking our contact list from “My Emma”, which is the platform we use to send our Weekly Member Memo, it seems MANY of you are not getting the email.

It comes up as an error message or saying you never opted in. We need your help.

If you do NOT get this Weekly Member Memo, we need to know.
If more people at your property should receive it – let us know.

We have send a Weekly Memo every week…for years, without fail – every Tuesday morning.
If you don’t get the Weekly Member Memo – you will not know what’s happening here.

We do post all of Memo in the Member section on our website also, for your reference.

Without the Memo, you are missing out on important member benefits and opportunities.


Posted by Beth Costa