Board Meeting – 12/8/21
11:08 am start time
Office Staffing
Debbie – 10 hrs/week
After W&F Affair, increased to 30 hrs/wk
Intern –
- Martin – has been great. Strong computer skills. . Works 3 days a week, a few hours per day. Does general admin, as well as skilled tasks.
- Feels good with staffing and up to date on projects
- During last board meeting, authorized to spend money on staff
Treasurers Report
- $130,000 (approx.) in Checking
- $150,000 (approx.) in Savings
- Only bill outstanding is Press Democrat Bill. It is $2,500 but we received a grant
- Need to pay sales tax on wine and food affair. (Used to not pay with EventBrite – EventBrite paid directly. Cellar Pass -we have to pay sales tax directly)
- Holding on reviewing budget after WWL
Subscription Update
- Received printout during meeting “Inside Access”
- Put everything together on the website, which can transfer to App. Google Analytics show that people are using desktop. Mobile enabled.
- What to call it? Membership, Subscription etc.
- Leaning towards “Insiders”
- Landing page on website with overview > Click for more details > Foundational Benefits (seminars, discounts, exclusive concierge service, tastings, shipping)
- Insider Privileges : Individual wineries would rotate benefits and perks. Special discount on specific skus from wineries, shipping discounts, exclusive tastings
- People can receive updates via text message. Short term/long term
- “Off the Road” benefits – Green Music, Stark, Zip Line.
- Incentive to join a wine club.
- Eliminate Wine Road Tasting Pass and transfer to this project
- Auto-renewal – handled by Square during payment. “Opt in” “Opt Out”
- Proposed Name : “Wine Road Insider”
- All approved. No opposition
- Limits – $100 per households (up to two users). Primary and Secondary users. Name, Email, Phone number.
- Auto Renewal – Include communication in contract/initial signup for auto-renewal. (30 days in advance? Review guidelines)
- Potential Idea : Send email to all event participants for shipping deal after each wine road event
- Restaurants, Activities, Green Music Center
- Offer code to “wine companies” – Riedel etc
Brand Ambassador
- Launched in November via Wine Road Newsletter
- 5 others moving forward. Reaching out to micro influencers. Mysty will send them a tool kit for promotion (events, wine tasting experiences)
- Max at 12 people
- Not all live in California
Events – WWL
- Tickets started selling yesterday. Email platform crashed yesterday so had to send this AM
- “Save the Date” was sent last week
- Sold 350 tickets yesterday.
- Price was $60 in 2020. Price is now $120 in 2022.
- Beth has been responding to all guests.
- Goal is to sell 1,000 tickets
- Debbie is reaching out to participating wineries to show them about Cellar Pass
- Extend the deadline for purchases to January 9th. Beth will communicate to wineries & consumers
Events – W&F:
- Feedback was excellent from consumers. Overwhelming positive feedback
- Purchased more wine/bought more clubs than normal
Events – Barrel Tasting :
- One weekend only.
- Reviewed handout with board
- Discussed traffic flow.
- Days : Thursday-Sunday
- Wineries are flexible to provide appointment times
- $75 for Thursday or Sunday only. OR $200 for 4-day weekend ticket
- Jack motioned. 2nd by Aaron. All in favor. No opposition.
- Not seated, but limited capacity per hour
- Wineries can opt out of time or limit specific number of people per hour. Remain with format of W&F.
Events – Barrel Tasting :
- One weekend only.
Member Meeting:
- Brochures for everyone / mail them to member not at meeting & former members
- Used as a sales tool for those that drop membership
- Check-in 2:15p. Meeting at 2:45p
- Beth has one hour. Sandra has one hour.
- Bottle of wine to share / tasty bites
- 45 RSVPs so far
Wine Club Update
- Nothing to report
Corporate Gifting
- Nothing to report
New Business
- Nothing to report
John adjourned at 12:44p. Dan seconded. All agreed.
$1,200 to Redwood Empire donation from WFA ticket sales – $1 per ticket
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