Board of Directors Meeting
August 14, 2024 / 9:00-10:30
Longboard Vineyards
5 Fitch Street, Healdsburg
Meeting called to order at 9:07am.
Present: Aaron, Beth, Danny, Helen, Jack, Lillian, Oded
Minutes read, voted, approved.
Christopher Creek Winery Membership: Discussion regarding their membership a
Motion by Jack: Reverse recent reinstatement, refund membership fee, notify their membership will be reevaluated in one year if they are still interested. Second: Oded.
In favor: Jack, Oded, Helen, Lilian, Katie.
Opposed: John, Danny, Aaron.
Absent: Emily.
Treasurer’s Report: as of Aug. 8, 2024
Checking $18,339.21 Savings $50,348.11 CD at Exchange Bank $100,000
PL presented with current YTD vs prior YTD
Assessments – this year last year – we have 125 winery members / 33 lodgings
Wineries paid 59 68
Lodgings paid 10 18
Beth will send PL with current YTD and past YTD to the Board.
Membership – Aaron and Danny will reach out to Inn at Occidental for membership
Events: Harvest Wine Trail –Saturday – September 14 – 11am-4pm. 30 wineries participating. Beth will offer comp tickets to WR Ambassadors to attend and promote the event. 10 tickets sold to date.
Wine & Food Affair – Sat/Sun November 2-3 – 11am-4pm. 60 wineries participating. Ticket sales begin: August 29 (August 28 to Insiders). Goal to sell 1,800 tickets. Beth will create hardcopy program to be given at check in. Lillian is currently editing it. Program sponsor is a possibility. Lillian is looking into it.
Marketing: Come Over October: Invite and host guests. Gather and share local wine varietals. A new marketing campaign for Sonoma County.
Member Benefits: 55 surveys returned to date.
New Business: Beth will continue to look into various sponsorships.
Meeting adjourned: 10:07am.
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