Laying the Foundation
- Wine & Food Affair
- 40 wineries agreed to host based on survey
- Website updated with 2022 event dates
- Assessments have gone out
- 80 wineries | 19 lodgings – renewed to date
- 26 wineries | 7 lodgings – outstanding
- 7 wineries not renewing
- Visitor Survey – information on ticket prices, preferences etc.
- 1,300 responses interested in special offers
- $12K sponsor from Healdsburg Tourism – social media posts, event tickets, podcast guests, consumer newsletter
- Perks and Privileges – re-evaluated; looking at application with subscription option and special offers
- Wine Road special newsletter – Road Runner. Consider re-starting?
- Mobile Up – member subscription service, customized by Wine Road
- Another option is a Sebastopol business offering an app that can be managed by wineries and Wine Road
Wine Road Subscription Plan
- Need success stories to share with members
- Wine Road tickets – 10% discount
- Membership/subscription to all Wine Road events with a monthly fee
- Create a multi-brand wine club program
- A business model that is self-sustaining
- Organization structure to establish the model?
- Partner opportunities
- Help Wine Road subscribers experience new wines
- Mystery cases – anticipation for shipment
- Add tasting ticket
- Provide offer sheet by winery
- How many bottles to include in the shipment?
- Retail partner needs to be addressed first
- Focus on top 5 shipping markets
- How to address customer concerns about the wine in the shipment?
- Build the brand for the Wine Road Wine Club
Next Steps
Beth will meet with a couple board members to plan out the approach
- We are bringing the Wine Road to you
- Quarterly wine shipments plus a monthly fee for membership
- Top tier – One bottle wine/week + event tickets
- Messaging/Podcasts talk about wines from quarterly shipments
- Special events held in certain regional areas
- Could create wines you can only get through Wine Road
- Reach out to Bottle Barn about interest in partnership
- Need to address the compliance issues [Wine Connect]. Shipping? Customer service?
- Partner needs to be a quality organization
- Core issue is dealing with customer experience. It is a Wine Road process and service.
- Need to keep DTC wines protected by wineries. Specific products for the Wine Road offering.
- How to continue to bring in new customers
- Variety of shipment will bring in new customers plus retain them
- Need to look at varietals offered in each shipment
Corporate Connections
- Make corporate connections with a percentage to Wine Road
- Use Wine Road connections to reach corporate entities
- Clearinghouse for corporate entities to come to one location to refer to wineries. A conduit. Make the connection.
- Premium for access or a percentage back to Wine Road
- Link on website for corporate gifting program
- Reach out to local businesses about offerings
- Benefit for Wine Road members – diversification of Wine Road offerings
- Under COVID, the business model for engagement is different. We are seeing increased interest from corporations for online events.
- Reach out to corporate executive assistants to offer the services to corporate events
- What is standardized approach to ensure it meets the Wine Road customer experience expectation?
- Beth coordinates initial referrals to members
- How to make it equitable for Wine Road member participants?
- How are wineries selected by the corporation?
- Short-term plan – website page – is there business case for offerings?
- Long-term – corporate outreach
- Greater investment of time to reach out to corporate
- Virtual offerings -component
- Onsite offerings – another component
- Website – outline concierge services
Next Steps
- Build website
- Include in next Wine Road communication
- Reach out to Wine Road members interested in offerings
- Ask for feedback from referral
- Generate a list of corporate partners (sell list to WR members).
Staffing Needs
- Funds approved for staffing
- Need to generate money first
- Wine/Food Affair income
- Renewed memberships
- Critical to staff up if Wine Road Club is moved forward – absolutely!
Events: Wine and Food Affair
- Can’t run the organization on events alone
- Event reimbursement – Idea $2/pp up to maximum customer service levels/capacities
- If the event is canceled there is no reimbursement
- No guarantee on reimbursement at this point
- Pricing – $150/weekend | $110 Saturday only | $70 Sunday only
- 30-40 wineries
- Food not as good
- COVID restrictions
- Reservation system will help
- Change the name W/F Affair “Lite”
- $50/day or $60 Saturday | $40 Sunday. $75, $65/day
- 2-day event
- Food both days (2 days)
- Cap number of wineries you can attend in a day – 5 (factor in drive time)
- $75/day with 5 bookings
- Lower spaces available on Saturday; higher on Sunday
- Close ticket reservations earlier so you can get a better event count?
- Buy early to get wineries you want.
- Close on October 26
- No reimbursements
- Food item listed in the program
- No recipe required; encouraged
- 500 ticket sales target
- Same weekend in November (first weekend)
- Beth will come up with new potential names and share with Board.
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