Wine Road Executive Board
November 6, 2019
Wine Road Office
** Action item
9:00 Call to order
Attending: John Viszlay, Carla Jeffries, Devin Ruddick, Joe Foppoli, Carri Holdredge, Beth Costa, (Danny Christensen via phone)
9:05 Review minutes from September. Sept. 11 minutes approved.
9:10 Executive Director goals. Goals reviewed by Exec Board.
9:20 Treasurer’s Report
Checking: $88,300.00
Savings: $200,125.00
Transferred $200K to cover the WFA refunds via Eventbrite ($100K from both savings & checking accounts). Eventbrite is not charging fees.
9:30 Community Benchmark – on hold. With Kinkade fire causing cancellation of WFA resulting in substantial ticket refunds, WR does not have budget to support this expense.
9:31 Marketing and PR Update
Rancho Mirage –partner with Dry Creek, RRV and Alexander Vly. Beth invited each of the three appellations to join WR at this event. (WR is pulling out of Sonoma House and using those funds for this event instead.)
Press this week– Two journalist arriving Thurs-Sat from Dallas (important that they didn’t cancel due to the fires.)
#SipSonoma – launching big social media campaign to create incentive for consumers who want to help So. Cnty wineries affected by the fires. Creating a $5 shipping offer on case sales from participating wineries.
Update WR app – “punch card. Goal is to market new programs instead of talking about fires.
9:45 Winter Wineland
Timeline and ads in place. SF Chronicle may offer a “buy 1, get 1 free” offer
(WFA ticket holders are allowed to move their ticket to WW & donate the remaining amount due to the REFB (approx. $35); OR, donate their entire ticket price; OR receive a refund of the entire ticket price. Final numbers are not yet available as WR is still processing refunds.
10:00 Annual Meeting: 112 rsvps as of today – good response.
PowerPoint – working on messaging for members to stay positive, and keep marketing message positive (not about the fires).
Handout – will be given to all attendees
Wineland posters, cards
10:20 New Business
** Ask Brandt Insurance about “Business Interruption” insurance.
-Downtown Healdsburg Chamber, a $3K partner. Beth attended their meeting last week; they too are working to keep marketing message positive.
-So. County Tourism: Beth to meet with their marketing team/committee
10:30 Meeting Adjourn
Next Board Meeting – Dec. 11 – location to be determined 11:00-1:00 w/lunch
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