Winter Winelove – details and sign-up

Beth Costa on Jan 4, 2021

Hello to all of our Wine Road wineries –

These are the detail for our Winter Winelove Tasting Experience.
(We are avoiding the word EVENT.)

Ideally we’ll have 30-40 wineries participate and sell 200-300 tickets.

We will begin selling “Winter Winelove Access” Jan. 25 (possibly later) once we feel confident that we will be
able to host tastings, and that we all know the rules that will be in place. Before you sign up, assume you will need to host outside.
Can you do that?

IF you sign-up and need to cancel once you know the County Guidelines, that is fine.
But in order for me to get the information formatted I need you to sign-up by Jan. 15th.
It’s easy to delete you, not as easy to add you once the lists, maps and program is formatted.

The future is uncertain, we may have to cancel this entire plan, or we may need to move it to March or April,
there is simply no way to predict. We are going to plan and prepare as if this is a go.
Rest assured, we will not start selling this, until we are CERTAIN it can happen.

– We are selling only one type of ticket – we are calling it “ Winter Winelove Access” – it is $50
It is good for as many days as the persons wants (Fri, Sat, Sun). If they only come one day, it is still $50.

There are no Designated Driver tickets.

– We are not handing out RSVP lists, glasses or wristbands.

We are selling the “Access” and the customer needs to BOOK THEIR RESERVATIONS at each winey they want to visit.
They will be instructed to either call or book their reservations online – each winery can select which option is best for them.

We are suggesting they plan to visit 3-4 a day.

We are letting customers know the last reservations will be for 3:00 or 3:30…ending at 4:00/4:30
We are advertising reservations to begin at 10:00/10:30
– Wineries will sign up to have their reservations on the hour or on the 1/2 hour – throughout the day.
This will allow customers to have some drive time, hopefully making it easier for them to schedule.

Their confirmation will explain that their seat will only be held for 10 minutes past their reservation time.
We understand this is going to be a test…for all of us.

We will also be clear throughout the access buying process that no winery can seat more than 6 people at a table.
Groups are not allowed – per our Sonoma County Covid guidelines.

– Wineries will have the option to ONLY take groups of 4 or less – this will be on the sign up form and included on the program.

ACCESS provides each BUYER with 3 wines to sample at your winery.
If they want to pay for additional wines, that is an option you can provide, within their reservation time slot.

– You will need to list the 3 wines you are pouring in the program.
If you want to provide something else (food, tchotchke, discount) that is your prerogative.
There will be space in the online program to mention your additional offerings (30 words).
There is no reimbursement for this event.

– Customer will make their reservation directly with you – BY PHONE or ONLINE – saying they have purchased Winter Winelove Access
They will need to show their ACCESS at each winery they visit. Remember – no wristbands, glasses, RSVP lists etc.
If they have a designated driver/non-taster in their group, they will be advised to tell you when they make their reservation, so you know how many seats you need to provide.
If that person decides they want to taste while they are at your winery…just charge them your tasting fee.
Again, we know this may end up being confusing…another test.

We know by participating you are losing your Tasting Fees to those guests. You do not need to set aside every seat to a Winelove guest, determine ahead to time how many seats you are willing to give up each day.
Let us know when you are sold out so we can note it on our website.
After the weekend, we will share the email from all attendees with all of the participating wineries and ideally you will see new buyers at your winery during the weekend.

– By all means, decorate or showcase our theme of LOVE.

We do not want to alarm our community and brand this as an “event” with the assumption that thousands of people will attend.
That is not the case. We are not using the word “ticket” for the same reason. We need to be clear this is a limited seating, reservation only, tasting experience and customers have paid for Winter Winelove Access.

We will promote as…

Winter Winelove…
February 12-14, 2021
An intimate wine tasting experience
Reservations required, limited seating
Join us as we embrace our love of wine, family, friends and community.

Sign up HERE via Eventbritedeadline Jan. 15 (you can cancel, but you can’t sign-up late)



Posted by Beth Costa