2021 Dornfelder, Mokelume Glen Vyd, Lodi $40

Sunce Winery on Jul 23, 2024

A German dark-skinned varietal named after one of the 19th century founders of the school of viticulture at Weinsberg, Immanuel Dornfeld.[6] Created in 1955 as a cross of two Vitis vinifera of Frühburgunder/Pinot Noir and Trollinger and Heroldrebe. Dornfelder was developed as a blending variety to add color to the pale red wines of Germany. On the banks of the Mokelumne River in Lodi, Mokelumne Glen Vineyards grows 52 rare German and Austrian varietals. Very few acres are devoted to Dornfelder plantings in California—but remarkably it is grown in England, the Czech Republic, Brazil, and even Hokkaido Japan. Sunce’s 100% Dornfelder is laden with baking spices, cardamom and boysenberry, opening to hints of rhubarb and black fig with a contradicting rose petal essence. Though its deep scarlet tones and alluring aromas foretell of a rich bull body character—it fools even the most wine savvy—as it’s quite light on its feet with a weightless elegance on the palate. This fruity cleanly acidic wonder allows fun food pairings. Try it with sushi, Hawaiian pizza, Kung Pao Chicken, tuna casserole, fish and chips or any mid-week blue plate special. For cheese, think: Camembert, blue cheese, and Irish cheddar.

Posted by Sunce Winery

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