Wine Road
Marketing and Events Committee Meeting
September 15, 2015 9:00-10:00am
Wine Road Office
Topics for Discussion
- Brainstorming how to promote our 40th to more members and consumers.
- Send one event reminder/sign up at a time with details
- Compile a spreadsheet showing who’s signed up for what and events that still need member participants
- Marcy and Beth are working on event sponsorships
- “Art of Oak”
- We still need artists
- Contact City of HBG for list of Truck Artist
- Artists get a $100 stipend
- We still need artists
- Savor the Central Coast in Sept.
- We’re attending this event with a few wineries – what do we need to give out to promote our 40th? – Tri-Folds
- How do we collect emails – “Enter Email to Win”
- Merrriam private sit down tasting for 8 ($280 value)
- Rodney Strong private Food & Wine pairing for 8 ($440 value)
- East Coast Press Trip
- Clocks, Capabunga, press kit
- Laura ordering Brand Iron for Clocks with new Wine Road Logo, place brand on back
- Clocks, Capabunga, press kit
- Need videos – who wants to oversee this project? Quick vine videos for “This is my Wine Road” to promote 40th
- Mysty will go out to wineries and take 7 second videos of winemakers, cellar workers, tasting room staff, etc
- She’ll narrow down a couple days and times as a heads up
- Mysty will go out to wineries and take 7 second videos of winemakers, cellar workers, tasting room staff, etc
- Past Presidents BBQ – who wants to help with this? Ideally this will be where we shoot most of the interviews for our documentary.
- Tentatively ~ Dry Creek Vineyards to host week of Oct 19th starting around 4pm for lighting. Robert will confirm in the next week.
- New Logo
- Use on Winter WINEland – out in November
- Press Release to business publications – November
- Release to members – First of October
- Posted in: Marketing
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